Talking Heads Immersion #2 -- "More Songs About Buildings And Food" (1978)
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Record is <a href ="">here.</a>
Released Bastille Day 1978 on Sire Records.
#29, 1978 Billboard Pop Albums
#21, 1978 UK Albums
'Take Me To The River,' #26, 1978 Billboard Singles Chart
Oh, the album's pretty good. The Big Country is probably my favorite. I love it when a smooth-sounding song is totally mean-spirited. "I wouldn't live there if you paid me."
"We will get wasted and throw hot dogs at Canada fans!"
"WASPS like to go sailing. Keep away from water."
"My garden is in my backyard. There is a virgin Mary statue watching over the plot. Apparently that didn't stop the thieving f--cks."
"When I do something that is a little complicated at my job I say 'watch me work!' in a David Byrne voice. Sometimes I'll throw in the Ru Paul voice but mainly David Byrne."