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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by tgl on 2008-10-04 14:13:13 +0000

2008 Dungeon Rock Day

See you at 11am, October 18th! More info.: http://www.flw.org/dr-overview.htm

Posted by pchippy on 2008-10-05 10:11:03 +0000
I ventured into Dungeon Rock once. Went down the stairs and a little way along the dank, drippy passageway. Then my flashlight faded out and I was all alone in the creepy darkness. I turned around and scrambled back up the stairs pretty darn quick. Speaking of creepy happenings on rocky hilltops in Lynn...it's a pity that "the God Machine" isn't still in town. Where they built it: (This hilltop is just a mile from tgl's house.) What it looked like, supposedly:

Posted by MF DU on 2008-10-06 12:28:22 +0000
If we can get Sunn 0))) to play there, it would be, like, the greatest thing ever.

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