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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-10-06 14:15:03 +0000

Talking Heads Immersion #3 -- "Fear of Music" (1979)

<img src ="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/88/Talking_Heads-Fear_of_Music.jpg/200px-Talking_Heads-Fear_of_Music.jpg">

Record is <a href ="http://www.sendspace.com/file/87s1nm"> here. </a>

Released August 3, 1979 by Sire Records.

#21 Billboard chart/#33 UK Albums, 1979
'Life During Wartime' #80, billboard pop chart, 1979.

Posted by MF DU on 2008-10-06 14:15:55 +0000
This Ain't No Party - This Ain't No Disco...

Posted by tgl on 2008-10-06 15:28:43 +0000
Picked this album up on a lark a few years ago. Might have been my introduction to Eno.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-10-06 16:02:43 +0000
Throwing it out there: if you haven't already got "Here Comes The Warm Jets" by Brian Eno, quit frontin' and get it already. A++

Posted by jbcardinale on 2008-10-06 16:16:14 +0000
While we're at it, "Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy" is just as good (has a track that uses typewriters, "China, My China") and "Another Green World" is right up there. Back in the day when I wrote Eno a fan letter (of sorts), he sent me a postcard....

Posted by mahatma chani on 2008-10-06 16:49:41 +0000
"Another Green World" <i>is</i> another great album, but it gets (unfairly) shadowed by "HCTWJ" as I got them at the same time.

Posted by tgl on 2008-10-06 17:26:59 +0000
I'll have to steal HCTWJ, I feel well served by:

Another Green World
Ambient 1: Music for Airports

Posted by jbcardinale on 2008-10-06 18:03:46 +0000
Don't skip "Discreet Music", the pre-cursor to Ambient Music.

Posted by MF DU on 2008-10-06 18:20:52 +0000
Since this has become an ENO thread, how do people feel about that impending Byrne show in Boston (end of October maybe?) which is billed something to the extent of 'David Byrne plays the music of David Byrne and Brian Eno'? I feel like even though technically you understand that Brian Eno is not there and performing with Byrne, that it is kind of slimy to have Brian Eno's name up in the big lights. Just my .02

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-10-06 18:52:53 +0000
I see what you're saying, but the "music of Byrne and Eno" announcement indicates to me that he will probably not be playing much, if at all, Talking Heads or his solo stuff, and mostly the collaborative stuff. Also, there may be some people out there who don't know that they put out a new album together, and it's another way to let the people know.

Posted by mr. mister on 2008-10-06 19:48:39 +0000
I really like the guitar solo on Another Green World when Eno says "and the ions in the ether" Taking tiger mountain has sillier lyrics but it does have that awesome song with lyrics "then there was you"

Posted by jbcardinale on 2008-10-06 20:01:35 +0000
I had all the Talking Heads albums up to the next one and saw them many times, but I'm fairly lukewarm about them these days, probably due to David Byrne. Not much touches the rare air of Eno's first three solo albums. My favorite lyric is fr: "Dead Finks Don't Talk", a blatant putdown of Bryan Ferry.
"But dead finks don't talk too well
they've got a shaky sense of diction
it's not so much a living hell
it's just a dying fiction"

Posted by MF DU on 2008-10-06 20:07:06 +0000
Can anyone recommend how many 'Roxy Music' albums would be deemed as essential? First four or five?

Posted by tgl on 2008-10-07 10:58:50 +0000
"Paper" has some inspiring-to-Albini guitar riffs.

Posted by mr. mister on 2008-10-07 11:45:16 +0000
I keep buying Roxy Music vinyl when I go to record stores and being disappointed. I just looked up the band on wikipedia and I know now that they are all the lame later 80's albums. Damn I should have never spent that 2 dollars.

Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-10-07 12:28:09 +0000
One of the Gargoyles bartenders always played the early Roxy Music stuff -- sounded good.

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