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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-10-14 13:59:19 +0000

Asobi Seksu & Others on Sat. at T.T.'s

This Saturday night I'm going to check out Asobi Seksu, Arms & Sleepers, and Broken River Prophet at T.T.'s. One (or more?) of the guys in Broken River Prophet is in Lockgroove, a damn fine band.




Anyone interested? I only bought one ticket, but I doubt the show will sell out, if any of youz want to join me.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-10-14 14:10:02 +0000
I'd love to come shoegaze with you, TFC, but I'll be in the wild, wild West this weekend. Have fun at the show! Well, have a very mellow, tripped-out time at the show. :o)

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-10-14 17:16:18 +0000
Whereabouts you goin' to, cowboy country?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2008-10-14 17:28:02 +0000
Colorado to see the desert. I've never been to the Southwest before... In fact, this may be the furthest inland I've ever been in the US.

I fear non-coastal America.

Posted by TheFullCleveland on 2008-10-14 17:47:08 +0000
The desert is an AWESOME place to visit...though coastal living I think is the better way to go. It's definitely weird to feel so landlocked, but it's so peaceful. Good for contemplation. And there are cacti! Whoop, whoop!

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