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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by dyedon8 on 2008-11-09 22:23:44 +0000

Talking Heads Immersion #8 -- "Little Creatures" (1985)

Record is here. Released July 15, 1985 by Sire Records. 1985 Billboard 200 #20 1985 UK Albums #10 1985 German Albums #9 1985 Australian Albums #2 1985 "Road to Nowhere" UK singles #6 1986 "And She Was" UK singles #17

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2008-11-10 07:04:18 +0000
Gonna need to listen to this one again. Always had a soft spot for it.

Posted by MF DU on 2008-11-10 16:20:38 +0000
When mahatma inserted his earlier Paul Simon jab on Talking Heads, this is more along the lines of the stuff I thought he was getting at.

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