Batch #20: Belgian Tripel
18.5 lb Pilsner
1 lb Vienna
5gal strike water @ 168F
one step mash infusion 45 minutes
5gal sparge water @ 168F
1.5 lb Light Candy Sugar
60 min:
1.5oz Tettanger (3.9%)
0.5oz Tettanger (3.9%)
0.5oz Saaz
0.5oz Saaz
Pitched Wyeast Lab. Activator 3787 Trappist High Gravity
OG 1.106
(<a href="">source</a>)
Moved to secondary.
SG 1.064
SG 1.056
Stirred up the yeasties on the bottom of the fermenter and moved to a warmer location. Apparent attenuation is 45%. Should be closer to 80%. Still, ABV is currently 7.6% A very sweet quaff, heavy mouthfeel. Golden color, fairly clear. I hope the yeast re-activates.
SG 1.053
Gave the fermenter a hot water soak.
1 cup L.M.E. (dry)
1 quart water
Pitched one packet Red Star "pastuer champagne"
Added to fermenter
Another hot soak or two
SG 1.050
It's sweet, but no cloying aftertaste. I think I'll bottle and try to forget about it for a couple years.
SG 1.044
I was going to bottle today, figuring, what the heck. However, the fermenter was cloudy and I was getting a bubble or two a minute from the airlock. I imagine this is the wine yeast, which is fine... the Trappist yeast flavors are still present. @ 2 points a day, I'll get to a reasonable Final Gravity in 2 weeks.
SG 1.025
FG 1.024 (10.9% ABV)
Primed with 3/4 cup light brown sugar. Pulled a bit more yeast than usual from the bottom of the fermenter.
42 12oz bottles
Golden amber in color, hazy. Certainly a "belgian" nose. Flat at first, then alcohol bite, solid malt flavor. Hops? Nah. Lingering (cloying?) finish. Bubbles and a chill should help it.
I look forward to meeting it at its debutante party.
You are going to have a deb party for it, aren't you?