olbermann goes off on prop 8
has everyone seen this by now?
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i was kind of surprised NBC aired it, as i don't think of NBC as being a particularly progressive network - but go him.
Did anyone see the Olberman send off on SNL a few weeks ago where he was chastising his apartment landlord for not letting his dog in?
Olberman is something else.
Just my .02 - the Beethoven 9th lead in on his show is semi pompous / obnoxious.
My first exposure to Olbermann was via the SNL clip, my second exposure was the Prop 8 clip. The first was amusing, the second was moving, but I don't think I'm in a hurry to see more. That being said, he might make an engaging dinner companion.
This was pretty touching though. I can understand why Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly feel threatened by him.
Makes for great entertainment, though.
I'm reminded of the backlash a couple years ago after same sex marriage was being banned that sent a bill to the US Senate that banned registered Republicans from marrying. It's great to see hypocrisies exposed.
<b>Prop 8 - The Musical:</b>
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