Tuesday Nite Jazz-Noise-Drone Freakout
At the Middle East Upstairs Tuesday night (11/18):
Laurence Cook Disaster Unit
Thurston Moore/Bill Nace/Paul Flaherty Trio
Paper Summer
<a href = "http://music.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.showDetails&Band_Show_ID=38518185&friendid=259022259">Here's what it's all about.</a>
Anyone want to go with?
I hate jazz, though, so I definitely will need to be doped up for this...
If you could snag me a ticket, that would be great - I'll pay you when I see you tomorrow, yeah?
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All photos are <a href = "http://www.flickr.com/photos/gneiss/sets/72157609459319326/">here</a>. Insane and phenomenal! My ears are still buzzing.
dyedon8 eat yr heart out.