alphabet soup
so one thing i like doing is making mixes, especially those with unusual themes. for the one whole semester that i thought about getting into college radio, the "weird theme mix" idea was going to be the format of my show - any band ever, any possible genre, but all songs about (say) stalking people one week, all obscure or improbable covers the next week, all songs about the movie <i>Seven</i> the week after that (except i only know of two songs about the movie <i>Seven</i>; that one needed work).
it's 4 in the morning my time; i have a final presentation due in 5 hours. am i working on it? um...for the moment, no. i've just thought of a new mix theme, and it is this:
<b>songs with three letter song titles</b> (which, ideally, are not words).
just off the top of my head, i've come up with this list - and i *know* there's a whole crapton that i'm missing. what else is out there?
DLZ - TV on the Radio
FNT - Semisonic
FOD - Green Day
NFS - Campaign for Real-Time
[MC: how hard would it be to make a crossword out of nothing but three letter song titles?]
Michael Jackson - PYT
What about 3-characters including 2 letters and a number?
And what about letters contained within a chronological series?
Jackson 5 - ABC
BTW, I see that you and I sit on opposite sides of the "song first vs artist first" track-listing argument. When I first did college radio I was much more vehement about it - now I just think it's interesting. Like listing the date month-day-year (US style) or day-month-year (Euro style).
TNT - Tortoise
FVK - Bad Brains
too bad we cant put 12XU by Wire here, it was the first one I thought of, but alas it misses by one.
...I also thought of the (2 characters too long, and an album title, not a song) OU812.
Can we expand the list to all song/album titles made up of number/letter strings?
FFF -- Public Image Ltd.
DIY - Peter Gabriel
Ace - Descendents
GCF - Descendents
Amy - Pure Prairie League
I Do - J. Geils
VFW - Dead Milkmen
Am I in charge of the Dead Milkmen Immersion?