What I learned in 2008
Wow. Decent year.
Thumbs Up:
No Age, Radiohead, Dark Meat, MIA, Tara Donovan, Douglas Weathersby, Joe Bidden, Yglesias, Robert Downey Jr, MassArt, My mom.
Thumbs Down:
The Windows Vista Operating System, The Mac 10.5 Operating System, The Medford Postal Service, The Somerville Police Dept, Fox and News Corp, Governor Deval Patrick.
Nice to see that 'The Wire' gets better almost every season. It's suddenly slipped into the top 10 American TV shows (Yes, along side The Cosby Show, I Love Lucy, Newhart, The Muppets, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia).
If you can keep down dry, it's so freakin' warm.
If you slant a circle in perspective, it isn't a true ellipse.
Plaster, sand, then joint compound, sand, then spackle. And I will never understand wallpaper.
R.E.M. is arguably the greatest American Band, and should be in everyone's top 20. Thank you Immersion.
Monday nights in June = Bananas
Bowie. Jeez.
1. Enjoy yourself - it's later than you think.
2. To thine own self be true.
2a. It's ok to love pop music.
3. Oscar Wilde was pretty much right about stuff.
4. Certain "hippie" bands may have previously been underrated by yours truly.
5. Sleep is definitely overrated.
Things I loved in 2008:
1. Friends
2. Family
3. Whiskey
4. Burritos
5. Adventures
Things I lost in 2008:
1. Illusions
2. Baggage
3. A lot of my Dutch vocabulary
4. Many single socks
5. Fear of the unknown