Dear 'The Edge':
Could you please keep your <a href="">lead singer</a> in check?
An mp3 audio recording of the author of a NYT editorial being made available may be cool, but, why is Bono first bestowed this honor?
It's bad enough that you guys are releasing like 5 different versions of the same album for your 09 release and that I and the rest of America will soon be inundated with more U2 references and advertisements than the last obnoxious ipod / itunes go round.
Please die (now!),
P.S. thank you for at least not being the Superbowl guest this year, although the alternate is typically, like U2, similarly annoying to me...
<i> Miles Davis never wasted a note, kid — or a word on a fool. </i>
Was this Bono's idea? Is that the reason he's bestowed the honor?
I bet you think maple syrup comes from Canada.
Love New England, grudgingly love U2, maple syrup comes from New Hampshire. Booyah.
FWIW - I think Pitchfork gave the new one a 4.6