Gaza - a personal story
I realise that this is generally a Israel/Palestine free zone however I stumbled across this (by one of my favourite comic actors incidentally) and thought it was worth passing the link on
I agree with <a href="">Jeffrey Goldberg</a>, it's not all about words or all about sticks. The path forward is with Fatah, so, Israel needs to help Fatah gain control of Gaza. This current action doesn't do that.
I'm a little tried with politicians & commentators proclaiming Israel's right to defend itself. Yes, of course they do. But that misses the point: Does this current action help Israel achieve it's goals? I think the answer to that is no.
Words matter, /s/action/war/g if it makes you feel better.
On a side note, in terms of a "European solution," I think Izzedine is a little confused about modern history, and I have a feeling that the return of the Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews to "wherever they came from" might be as problematic as moving the Palestinians back to their pre-1948 homes. Also, I can't help but hear echoes of an earlier European "solution" in that statement, and that one didn't turn out so well.
Instead of "control" I should have used "under the administrative auspices of".
I found the provided time-line (to the right of the article) of Israeli-Palestinian relations helpful/interesting/depressing.
I still believe that peace is attainable.
I showed this correspondence to my boss, who passed it along to local rabbis. I was then asked to speak to a group of students about the situation and how to talk about it with others. I was also asked to read it at our peace rally.
I hope for peace, but am cautiously hopeful. I hope that Palestinians are able to elect and maintain an independent government that has their interests in mind. I hope that Israelis in the southern cities are able to live in their homes, rather than in their bomb shelters. I hope we're able to see and read accurate media reports about what happens there.
Again, I'm glad to see the discussion here, and I apologize for being tardy to it!