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Posted by rladew on 2004-09-24 04:35:46 +0000

More Insight from Heinz

According to Heinz:
First, I was an idiot for not agreeing with her husband's health care plan.

Now, we will have Osama behind bars in less than a month! Oh goodie!

At least Laura is helping people learn to read....

Posted by on 2004-09-24 13:35:26 +0000
"I wouldn't be surprised if he appeared in the next month," said Heinz Kerry, alluding to a possible capture by United States and allied forces before election day.

I wouldn't be surprised either. She's not exactly guaranteeing his capture, is she?

Posted by on 2004-09-24 16:58:22 +0000
I happen to find a public statement like this kind of reckless, but hey, it's a free country... have fun Teresa!!!!

Posted by on 2004-09-24 17:01:38 +0000
It's a smart move, I think- pre-emptive, even. Jesus, we've all been grumbling/speculating about the same thing around here for months, that Bush would inevitably pluck him out of thin air in time for the election.

Posted by on 2004-09-24 17:23:54 +0000
Hmm I havent been convinced about all these vast right wing conspiracies that have been alluded to on this site exist....

Posted by on 2004-09-24 17:45:13 +0000
I'm not convinced, either, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if he was brought out, especially if Bush takes a dip in the polls. Neither would Ms. Kerry, and she's kinda trumping 'em by saying so.

Posted by on 2004-09-24 18:18:31 +0000
What about Pakistan being asked to produce arrests of al-Qaeda suspects during the DNC, isn't that suspicious? Or that arrests before the DNC weren't made public until that week?

Please explain how it is reckless.

Posted by on 2004-09-24 18:38:11 +0000
My crystal ball is broken. I usually dont make statements about what will (or MIGHT in this particular case) happen in the future. A monkey might come out of my butt....

Posted by on 2004-09-24 18:43:09 +0000
Hate to say it, but it's politics.

Posted by on 2004-09-24 18:55:40 +0000
Can we agree that this not a conspiracy? The GOP wants this to happen, and Heinz thinks they might?

Posted by on 2004-09-24 19:18:12 +0000
I Just think it's a stupid thing to say, I am allowed to voice that opinion, yes?

Posted by on 2004-09-24 20:54:20 +0000
Sure it may be stupid, but is it reckless?

Heinz has got the same crystal ball that Bush has got when he looks into it and sees that democratic Iraq on the horizon.

Posted by on 2004-09-24 21:42:24 +0000
difference between pessimism and optimism my friend...

Posted by on 2004-09-24 22:12:38 +0000
BTW Webster's defines reckless as "marked by unthinking boldness" so, yeah I guess I would argue it's a little reckless to speculate on such important information without having any info to back it up.

Posted by on 2004-09-24 22:41:26 +0000
Rich, she does have info backing it up!

Posted by on 2004-09-24 22:49:56 +0000
like what?

Posted by on 2004-09-25 15:37:15 +0000
Reckless in that it doesn't resonate with half the American public? Sure.

"Marked by unthinking boldness", huh, that jives with my view of our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Posted by on 2004-09-25 17:24:58 +0000
but yr changing the subject Terry :)

......we are talking about Heinz, here, by yr own argument shouldn't a post like that that go in the mother of all _ thread?

Posted by on 2004-09-25 22:13:44 +0000

I deleted the rest of my post comparing the recklessness of Heinz's statement and the recklessness of the Administration. Whereas if Heinz is wrong about the RNC plotting to unveil bin Laden in the next month, well then, it's egg on her face. If the Administration is wrong about being able to transform Iraq into a democracy that is then a deterent for Islamic terror groups, well then, that's just a couple billion dollars and a couple thousand lives. For that reason, I can't get to worked up about Teresa's recklessness. I'm definitely not voting for her anyway.

I didn't need Heinz to put the idea in my mind that the Adminstration might try to time the capture of bin Laden. We've already seen they tried to time police actions in Pakistan to coincide with the DNC.

Posted by on 2004-09-26 03:56:44 +0000
Do a "Bin Laden" google news search. There are many hits from 2 or 3 weeks ago, when "The clock was ticking" on Osama. The Herald ran a story on how it would just be a few weeks till we got him (but I can't find it). This "about to capture" thing started during the DNC, no?

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