someone posted this on the zorn-list... sounds pretty cool!
Posted by on 2004-09-24 13:28:14 +0000
I really can't keep up with Waits. Remember the two albums he put out about a year ago? Haven't heard either of 'em yet.
I've got "Beautiful Maladies", the Island box set. That might be were I stop.
Posted by on 2004-09-24 17:06:43 +0000
I got that Epitaph 'Mule Variations' record, which I liked a lot.
Posted by on 2004-09-24 18:25:46 +0000
any fans of the HBO show the Wire? Season 2 uses Waits' "Way Down In The Hole" from the Island album Frank's Wild Years that came out right after Rain Dogs. (actually 1987 as well! what a fukkin year!)
Season 1 and 3 also use the song, but the gimmick is, someone different does it every season. 1: blind Boys of Alabama 2: Tom Waits
3: Neville Brothers
(I miss my digital cable...... boo hoo)
I LOVE this album. One of my favorite Waits ever. I would highly reccomend.
Waits on letterman: (With Judah Bauer and Russel Simmons to boot! (anyone hear the new BEX album - now that they arent JSBEX anymore??? JS is still there, just been dropped from the title me thinks)
Tom Waits singing "Make it Rain" on Letterman was INTENSE!
I've got "Beautiful Maladies", the Island box set. That might be were I stop.
Season 1 and 3 also use the song, but the gimmick is, someone different does it every season. 1: blind Boys of Alabama 2: Tom Waits
3: Neville Brothers
(I miss my digital cable...... boo hoo)
I LOVE this album. One of my favorite Waits ever. I would highly reccomend.
Tom Waits singing "Make it Rain" on Letterman was INTENSE!