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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by Corby Trouser Press on 2009-01-29 20:19:12 +0000

CCC - week 2

Jimmy Carr

Ok he has a face like someone set fire to it and put it out with a shovel, and in England he is in far too many award shows and adverts. But on the plus side he does have some great one liners. He is one of those comedians that I dont really want to like but he makes me laugh out loud way more than I should.

<p><IMG src="http://www.gildedballoon.co.uk/images/gallery/002_Performers/031_Jimmy_Carr.jpg" /></p>


Posted by pamsterdam on 2009-01-29 21:47:13 +0000
Hm. I downloaded it, but can't seem to open it...

...can't help saying that the above photo doesn't do him justice. He is a deeply, deeply ugly man.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2009-02-02 12:03:15 +0000
Was watching a bit of saucy (NSFW) Russell Brand this morning... and came across a phrase I wish I'd come up with Saturday night. I think I would've gotten a nanny. Or sommit.

Watch from 5:00 for full context, skip to 7:00 for the micro-context, or 7:30 for the phrase itself:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6m5NRrKZjmE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6m5NRrKZjmE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I know I shouldn't fancy him. I know that. But. I. Can't. Help. It.

Posted by G lib on 2009-02-04 16:39:56 +0000
(Hairspray + Man) + Pamsterdam = vag drool.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2009-02-04 18:21:25 +0000
Really, it just has to be dirty, messy hair. Products are optional. ;p

Big Gay Mark loves to point out men to me (like "oh, that's one for you!"), and when I react positively he *always* says: "I knew you'd like him... because his hair is DISGUSTING."

Posted by pamsterdam on 2009-02-20 01:12:42 +0000
Alright, managed to listen to the Jimmy Carr tonight.

My favorite bits:

* <i>My girlfriend at the moment is reading "Women Who Love Too Much" - that's a book title that could be shortened... to "Sluts."</i>
*<i>A couple of weeks ago, we were making love and she had an asthma attack... for a moment or two I thought I was doing rather well!</i>
* <i>I'm socially gay, which means that I notice when a female friend has changed her hair or bought a new pair of shoes, but I won't accept your c**k up my arse.</i>

I wasn't fond of the casual xenophobia, however. I know, I know, a long, proud British tradition... ;p

And the "special needs" jokes, predictably, did not amuse.

Posted by loxocele on 2009-03-04 08:16:46 +0000

this sounds just like a friend of mine from my cohort describing my taste in guys....

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