The Watchmen - our view from Spaceship Virtue
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Thought people might want to discuss it. Since it's so closely modeled on the novel, do we even need to have a spoiler alert?
As for me, I need to see it again. After about 6pm yesterday, things got <strong>very</strong> blurry.
...the MF DU Clan was very much missed...
Jonathan and I will probably take a few hours this week snd see some cyan Billy Crudup penis and catch up to the visual experience of the rest of the RSN clan.
I'm sure I will see you all soon...
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Review to follow.
All that said, there was more indiglo cock than i remember in the book.
And, for the record. I like to pay hookers to clean my house.
The film brought all the characters to life well -- Veidt was awesome, Night Owl and Silk Spectre II were great, Dr. Manhattan's gradual detatchment was believable, and both Comedian and Rorschach were great.
I was okay with the violence -- it is, after all, a comic book movie.
The biggest changes I noticed, aside from the squid (which I think would've been a lot less believable now, what with cel cams and all), were in Rorschach's character -- the line that changed from 'your thumbs, my perspective' to 'your thumbs, my pleasure' was a bit much for me, though his 'origin,' with the dogs, worked even though it was changed -- the fire/hacksaw thing in the comic seemed awfully calculated for someone who was turning into a sociopath at that moment. Rorschach leans more to the right in the film than in the comic, which I thought worked well, especially when contrasted with Veidt.
Having said that, though, the whole Big Figure scene was better with the saw than with Rorschach kicking through the toilet. I think the prison segment was my favorite part.
I woulda liked some segue from Night Owl and Rorschach seeing Dr. Manhattan teleport to Mars -- there was no follow-up at all, just "let's go beat up some bad guys".
I loved all the cameos (Bowie, Annie Leibowitz, Truman Capote, etc.)
I can't wait to see this again. Great, great job.
1. Yes, there is much less indigo cock in the book. I imagine that it's easier to frame a cock free still image than a moving one.
2. The literary cock is not as sizable as the movie version, though the literary testes ain't small.
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I loved him in <i>Wings of Desire</i>.