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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by dyedon8 on 2009-03-13 04:23:55 +0000

A partial list of items retrieved from my grandmother's house

My folks and I moved to New Hampshire in 1987. Today, in my grandmother's attic, I sorted boxes left over from the move. Here are some things I found:

-A 1983 Topps baseball sticker album, complete. I think I bought a whole box of baseball stickers at a flea market, completed the album, and sold the extras to cover my costs. Sick!

-A one-inch Duran Duran pin, shiny purple, with yellow highlights for the band's logo (and Nick Rhodes's hair).

-'My Super Secret Book,' dated 1985-6. Betcha I got it as a throw-in with a school book club order. There's a bunch of rote questions inside. Sample (with answer):

"If you could invent your own TV show, what would it be about? Why?"
"ME. Because I AM AWESOME."

-A 'Wanted For Mooning The President: Dexter Q. Hornkelbanker IV' flyer. There's tape on top, suggesting that I was so pleased with my burdgeoning wit and artistic ability, circa: age 10, that I hung my masterstroke for all to see, probably in my room.

-A three-inch replica of a 1913 Buffalo nickel -- my grandfather's keychain.

-A typed, photocopied list of the 60+ titles in the Hardy Boys collection. My buddy Jeff (what happened to that kid? Anyone?) read and summarily ranked all of 'em with between 1 and 5 stars. I wrote in my own ratings, where applicable (I wasn't as prolific as Jeff). I thought 'Mystery Of The Whale Tattoo' was pretty ill, and didn't care much for 'The Submarine Caper.'

-An 11x17 poster featuring the lineup of the ill-fated Marvel Comics 'New Universe.'

-An envelope from Activision containing letters congratulating me on my high scores in both 'Megamania' and 'Laser Blast.' The iron-on patches, alas, are lost.

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