Me and MTV - for G
So I posted two videos on Facebook today (U2's live at Red Rocks performance of <a href="">Sunday Bloody Sunday</a> & Queen's Live Aid performance of <a href="">Bohemian Rhapsody into Radio Gaga</a>), and G lib asked me if I'd take her on a walk down my memory lane of early rock videos. I am only too happy to oblige. Feel free to add your own favorites, milestones, etc.
Alright, I have to preface this by saying that my father is really into music. In 1955 he went into RCA Victor (Elvis Presley's record company) and asked for a job. When the guy "interviewing" him figured out that Dad only wanted to work there so he could be involved in this new thing rock'n'roll, he told my father: <i>"This rock and roll business is a dead-end, [pamsterdam's Dad]. You're better off going to college, getting a real job. I'm telling you, rock and R&B will be over in a few years' time."</i> So he went to college and got a "real" job. I know. Boo.
So in the summer of 1981 when he heard that a new television station was coming out with all music all the time, he decided that it was time to get cable. We were both glued to it for the first week or so, but he was disappointed at the lack of Motown, yacht rock, and whatever you'd call the genre Neil Young & CCR belong to.
I, on the other hand, was transfixed. Addicted. Obsessed. I had just turned 8 years old, and was still reeling from John Lennon's murder the previous November. Suddenly music was something beyond my father's (nice, big) record player, my (tiny, Fisher Price) record player, the car radio, and intermittent oldies retrospectives on PBS.
For me the golden age of MTV was 1983-1986, my tween years (age 9 to 13) when I was dragged (mainly kicking and screaming) into "womanhood". Is this timing a coincidence? I think not. I was busy defining myself and my burgeoning interest in the species known as BOYS. MTV was very much a part of this.
Here are my top ten videos of the golden age of MTV, in no particular order [links provided for videos that can't be embedded]:
U2 - <a href="">Sunday Bloody Sunday</a>
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody / Radio Gaga
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Duran Duran - <a href="">Union of the Snake</a>
Prince - When Doves Cry (I can only find the video without audio, this is Prince's doing...)
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George Michael - <a href="">I Want Your Sex</a>
Elvis Costello & the Attractions - Peace, Love & Understanding (can't find the original, which is the one I want, but this one is AWESOME!)
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The Clash - <a href="">Rock the Casbah</a>
Madonna - Like a Virgin (I can't find the original lion video...)
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The Go-Go's - <a href="">Vacation</a> (I can't find the original water-skiing video...)
Joan Jett - I Love Rock'n'Roll
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Any questions? :o)
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See also:
<a href="">She's So Cold</a>
<a href="">It's Only Rock'n'Roll (But I Like It)</a>
The Glimmer Twins, man. Yowza.
And my bedtime was way earlier than SNL's airtime when I was 4.
Speaking of the ban - have you seen this Beastie Boys thingie?
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And I agree, in hindsight, angry Elvis is about a million miles better.
Bono can poke fun at himself, though. At the risk of appearing to be an apologist... I recommend <a href="">this</a>.
*runs and ducks*
Lorne Michaels was a vindicative guy.
While as a music fan, I ALWAYS appreciate the unexpected on SNL (E Costello not doing the routine #, Ian Mackaye's NEW YORK SUCKS soliloquy before Fear, Nirvana french kissing each other over the end credits -most of my peers+ friends at my high school HATED this-, Chuck D demanding a moment of silence for Miles Davis's death, Sinead ripping up the Pope, etc) it must be a bastard and a half to get a show off the ground with everyone trying to change stuff that has been discussed, rehearsed, and planned to fit in a specific place.
I sound like a parent right now, don't I?
(some language NSFW)
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And some commentary (most language NSFW)
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And I agree with your take, MF DU.
Mr. MacKaye's commentary on the incident is <a href =""> here. </a>
[Freddie Mercury - Broadway] + James Brown = Mick Jagger + Prince = Rory
That being said, I can understand your wish to untie the strands. We'd have to start with early blues performers and work our way up to, say Lady Gaga. Maybe *that's* what we should do chez moi.