Dear Bill Simmons:
You cannot chastise newspapers for being slow to pick up new technology (like blogs) in last week's podcast <i>and then</i> make fun of Twitter during your first mailbag column this week. Double standards!
Look, we all know you were bullshit that the Herald never gave you a fantasy column back in the day, but get with the program. You built your following on the Internet! That was an unthinkable courageous plot for a writer! Continue to embrace the new technology, dude. I agree that Twitter is (at times) utterly dumb, but in the right hands it's an amazingly effective tool. Case in point: the vast majority of my new traffic to my blog is through Twitter (second only to Google ads). Even better: my Twitter followers retweet their followers to go to the site.
Mr. Simmons, I love your stuff, but you are slowly becoming a stodgy old man and a hypocrite. This basketball book better be fucking amazing because you're slipping.
Mahatma Chani
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1. By making fun of Twittr, Bill is <i> embracing </i> it in the pomo ironic style of the day (and, to be fair, of a lot of his previous work). I'm way more tired of irony than Twittr.
2. I know what you're getting at with your criticism, but maybe he's zeroing in on Twittr users more than the application itself -- he probably gets a lot of hits from it, too.
3. That said, he <i> is </i> slipping.
2. If that was his intention, it didn't come across like that. It came across as disdain for something he doesn't understand, or care to understand.
3. I repeat, that basketball book better be fucking amazing.
You're assuming things once meant something. Shakespeare? Ironic. The Bible? Ironic.
<i>"I'm way more tired of irony than Twittr."</i>
Like, he's tired of it because it's been around for, like, ever. Like.
<i> You're assuming things once meant something. Shakespeare? Ironic. The Bible? Ironic. </i>
...which is ironic.
He mentions Skype once in the context of communicating. What do you think Skype does?