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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by edward on 2004-04-07 21:16:03 +0000

bottom feeders

Took a bottom (35 percentile with BQ last night) Bad communication on the 1 club, 2 club, bidding.

Posted by frame609 on 2004-04-09 05:46:18 +0000
I've learned how to count cards- now I need some conventional wisdom. what are inverted minors?

Posted by edward on 2004-04-09 18:48:31 +0000
Inverted minors are used to show strength, but the jump bid is "weaker" and pre-emptive. For example: Partner opens with 1 Club, next player passes, you bid 2 clubs with 12+ points and 5 clubs, and you would jump bid 3 clubs with 7 or less points and 5 clubs (8-11 points find another bid!). If partner opens 1 diamond you may make the same bids with only 4 diamonds and similar point values. (I play 1 diamond opening promises 4, so we at least have a 4-4 fit). This can be very useful. Say you hold: S-Kxx, H-Axx, D-Kxxx, C-KJx and open 1 Diamond. Partner bids 2 Diamonds as an inverted minor, you go straight to 3 No Trump. Why not? You belong in game. If partner has a singleton or void he'll correct to 4 diamonds with a minimum, or show an ace (ie. 4 Spades with better hand.) If you do have a 4 card major it is generally advisable to bid it after partner's 1 level minor opening, but I've seen this rule ignored by opponents with success. Note that throughout, after a minor opening (1 club, 1 diamond) 1NT is still the weakest response.

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