Dear C4[RT]: Can I borrow your time travel equipment on 6/04/09?
What the @#$%#$%k Am I Going To Do After I Get a Babysitter?
<a href="">ISIS, Pelican in Northampton MA</a>
<a href="">Dark Meat, Middle East Upstairs</a>
<a href="">TV On The Radio, Dirty Projectors<a/>
ISIS may lose b/c I have seen them before, but I have never seen Pelican and those guys consistently remove my head.
When will TVOTR / Dirty Projectors be together again? This is the one I already have tix for, and it sounds like other folks on the board may be interested.
Ignoring a Dark Meat Boston appearance, are you kidding me?
What am I gonna do this night? This isn't fair? All I wanted was a lousy Pepsi, BUT SHE WOULDN"T GIVE IT TO ME.
Dark Meat, Upstairs! I have to go...
Upstairs, eh? I could go for this.
*My spell check suggested I alter that particular word to fellatio. I chose not to. Bad spell check.*
That <a href="">Large Hadron Collider</a>
needs to go online.
Looks like it's Dark Meat for you.
Oh. I wish I was born in '84, then maybe I'd go to Bonnaroo or Coachella:
<img src="">
<a href="">Coachella</a>
Welcome to the Landed Gentry.