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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by Duncan Wilder Johnson on 2009-05-01 17:00:52 +0000

Art Show Tonight (May 1)

Drop Yer Mic, Pick Up Yer Paintbrush!!
Boston Musician's Art Show

Friday, May 1, 2009
4:00pm - 9:00pm
Allston Public Library
300 North Harvard Ave
Allston, MA

<IMG SRC="http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l142/duncanwilder/putdownmic.jpg">

<IMG SRC="http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l142/duncanwilder/cathy001.jpg">
Cathy Cathodic, Rapper (2009) by Duncan Wilder Johnson

gene johnston-splint, dead friends
duncan wilder johnson-destruct a thon
nicole tammaro
mark doherty-nowhere usa, dead friends
jason bennett-jason bennett and the resistance
troy schoeller-razors in the night, horror business
lauren recchia-vagiant
andrea gillis
daniel ohalloran-darkbuster
amy grif-darkbuster
bryan mcpherson
ryan packer-jason bennett and the resistance
nick james
tj welch-the welch boys
jay allen-jay allen and the arch criminals
cheryl dalpozzal
jeff morris-death & taxes, the bruisers, mark lind and the unloved
matt maalouf-trash boys
chrissy vaccaro-the spoilers
ian clark-pure impact, razors in the night
mark lind-ducky boys, mark lind and the unloved
kristen goodfriend-the boston phoenix
chestnut-swaggerin growlers, faulty conscience
annie libertini-swaggerin growlers
martin doyle
will toxic-toxic narcotic, mouth sewn shut
pat tapia-raw radar war
mark duchance-gone baby gone, full powered halo, dirty surrealists
barry spillberg-mob hit, gozu, wargasm
dave tree-superpower
amy toxic
julie 2times-new alibis
andrew galante-the alrighters
mike o-murder mile
billy brown-ashers, deadly sins
jo-sonic bomb
j sokol
todd wilson-lesser evils, razors in the night
johnny swagger-swaggerin growlers
sweeney-everybody out, dead pets
rick barton-everybody out-dropkick murphys-the outlets
ennio avallone-haloburn, confront
squallie greenthumb
lesser adam-lesser evils, the profits, august spies
mike mccabe-jason bennett and the resistance
clay ferno-wild zero
possible-suprise artist-mike from the street dogs
welcome back: eli falco

Posted by Duncan Wilder Johnson on 2009-05-01 17:08:03 +0000
also, this stuff will be up for 3 weeks

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