Albert Ayler / New Ghosts / New Grass / Impulse
Dark Meat / Freedom Ritual / Universal Indians / cloudrecordings [also on: Vice]
#Mary Halvorson & Jessica Pavone / Juice / Thin Air / Thirsty Ear
#Dave Douglas & Brass Ecstasy / Bowie / Spirit Moves / Greenleaf Music
Sun Ra & His Myth-Science Arkestra / On The Blue Side / Bad and Beautiful / Saturn Recordings
#The Naked Future / We Sleep In a Rabbit Hole / Gigantomachia / ESP
#Double Dagger / Stagger Lee / V/A "Records Toreism" / Thrill Jockey
#Ketman / The Switch / El Toro / Lifted and Gifted
Mission of Burma / Spider's Web / Obliterati / Matador
Mike Watt / Drove Up From Pedro / Ball-Hog or Tug Boat? / Columbia
Tortoise / Cornpone Brunch Watt Remix / A Lazarus Taxson / Thrill Jockey
Mike Watt / Burnin' For You / V/A "Guilt By Association" / Engine Room Recordings
Stooges / The Weirdness / The Weirdness / Virgin
Minutemen / Toadies / Double Nickles On The Dime / SST
Wire / All Fours / Object 47 / Pink Flag
*Acid Mothers Temple / Mellow Hollow Love / The Melting Paraiso UFO / Squealer
Otomo Yoshihide / Lonely Woman / Guitar Solo Performed by Otomo Yoshihide / Doubt Music
Super Unit (Zeni Geva with Steve Albini)/ Two/ Nai Ha / Skin Graft Records
Sunn O))) & Boris / Akuma No Kuma / Altar / Southern Lord
#ISIS / Wavering Radiant / Wavering Radiant / Ipecac
Eric Hnatow / Seasons: Spring / Head In The Clouds / S/R
Secret Chiefs 3 / Omael / Xaphan: Book Of Angels Volume 9/ Tzadik
dreams of starting its own band.
* denotes a request, # denotes a new release
Artist / Song Title / Album Title / Label
Albert Ayler / New Ghosts / New Grass / Impulse
Dark Meat / Freedom Ritual / Universal Indians / cloudrecordings [also on: Vice]
#Mary Halvorson & Jessica Pavone / Juice / Thin Air / Thirsty Ear
#Dave Douglas & Brass Ecstasy / Bowie / Spirit Moves / Greenleaf Music
Sun Ra & His Myth-Science Arkestra / On The Blue Side / Bad and Beautiful / Saturn Recordings
#The Naked Future / We Sleep In a Rabbit Hole / Gigantomachia / ESP
#Double Dagger / Stagger Lee / V/A "Records Toreism" / Thrill Jockey
#Ketman / The Switch / El Toro / Lifted and Gifted
Mission of Burma / Spider's Web / Obliterati / Matador
Mike Watt / Drove Up From Pedro / Ball-Hog or Tug Boat? / Columbia
Tortoise / Cornpone Brunch Watt Remix / A Lazarus Taxson / Thrill Jockey
Mike Watt / Burnin' For You / V/A "Guilt By Association" / Engine Room Recordings
Stooges / The Weirdness / The Weirdness / Virgin
Minutemen / Toadies / Double Nickles On The Dime / SST
Wire / All Fours / Object 47 / Pink Flag
*Acid Mothers Temple / Mellow Hollow Love / The Melting Paraiso UFO / Squealer
Otomo Yoshihide / Lonely Woman / Guitar Solo Performed by Otomo Yoshihide / Doubt Music
Super Unit (Zeni Geva with Steve Albini)/ Two/ Nai Ha / Skin Graft Records
Sunn O))) & Boris / Akuma No Kuma / Altar / Southern Lord
#ISIS / Wavering Radiant / Wavering Radiant / Ipecac
Eric Hnatow / Seasons: Spring / Head In The Clouds / S/R
Secret Chiefs 3 / Omael / Xaphan: Book Of Angels Volume 9/ Tzadik