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tome cusp
Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-09-28 18:23:50 +0000

Can A N***A Get A Job?

In case any of you read the funnies in The Globe, you may not have noticed the little excuse posted underneath the reflection for the day last monday... it seems last week's Boondocks was not up to The Globe's "standards" so they reran a stupid bit about Janet Jackson.

You can read it online starting here:

Not so bad, really; funny, even; liberal media? Is this supposed to be in the Politik page? I'm new here.


Posted by on 2004-09-28 18:28:23 +0000
Not sure if this is a clear sequitor, but the new Geiko Car insurance ad has a faux Reality show called "Tiny house" where newly-weds live in a house for a midget... Wait maybe this should go under the BOSOX page.

Posted by on 2004-09-28 19:33:01 +0000
Made me think of: Can a M****t Get A Job?

I've been viewing Boondocks online, I didn't notice the interruption. Gruder's syndicate (UPS) is known for it's openness to controversial material.

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