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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by tgl on 2004-09-29 03:26:33 +0000

I need a garage.

*gurgle*, aaauuuggh.

<img src="http://www.duncansbeemers.com/imagebank/big/1-R100.jpg">

Or better yet:
<img src="http://www.duncansbeemers.com/imagebank/big/R60-7.jpg">

What's the over/under on Duncan selling that K1?

Posted by on 2004-09-29 15:02:09 +0000
Duncan sells that bike all the time... and after a year or so whoever bought it trades it in. It may be a fun bike, but it's not your long haul bike...

The two you posted are hot, I've had my eye on the R60/7, not to mention the teal R100... however, and I'm so biased here, the 88 K100RS is the hottest bike he has... that is just about the perfect single bike to have in your garage... fun around town, fun for a long tour, fun for smoking people off the line, fun for taking it in the twisties...


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