Vast Left wing conspiracy
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 18:46:26 -0400
To: "E.H. Greene" <>
From: "William Safire" <>
Subject: Re: The forger
e. h. greene:
Incorrect. It is conspircay, a felony. Everyone who knew the documents were forgeries commited a crime.
Don't stop writing. I'll keep reading what you send me.
William Safire
At 02:47 AM 9/22/2004, you wrote:
>So the documents aren't genuine. But they're
>undeniably true. I suppose the forger should be
>punished, but no one else as there not libel. Correct?
>e.h. greene
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Did you ask him if he thought Rather should resign because he acted on faulty evidence?
Gonna cost money now! ...those money grubbing capitalist pigs at the NYT.... ...the first two weeks are free, that's how they snare you in....