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Posted by rladew on 2004-10-07 23:57:31 +0000

Which is really the outdated party of bygone ideals?


Posted by tgl on 2004-10-08 01:47:01 +0000
George is completely downplaying the role of Hollywood! Where is the recognition of the Hollywood sleaze machine perverting the values of America through the use of the Democratic Party? George really missed the ball on this one. Why the column on domestic policy when this election is about foreign policy? Is this election really about who cuts Rumsfeld's bush? I love the straw man of organized labor. Whatever Miriam might say, Big Labor is in decline. Why is it that the people most outraged over union dues, are non-members? I chuckle every time. He's also conveniently leaving out that government shrunk under the last Democratic president. George also lauds the welfare reform of the '90s, signed into law by a Democrat. The fixation on death is interesting, The more dead people in this country, the more Republican it becomes. Interesting. I'm checking my seatbelt *twice* next time I get into the car. If bygone ideals means fighting fascism (Roosevelt-Truman) and the encroachment of Communism (Kennedy-Johnson), sign me up. When I went to the article, the Google ads, which are choosen based on the content of the page I'm suspecting, were all for the Democratic Party or their nominee. Funny.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-10-08 15:25:37 +0000
"About 2.4 million Americans die each year. Most are elderly and a majority of that majority are Democrats, for two reasons: Most of them formed their political sensibilities in the Roosevelt-Truman-Kennedy-Johnson era of Democratic presidential ascendancy. And the elderly are devoted to big government: Social Security and Medicare by themselves are 33 percent of federal outlays." Huh? Republican's are the big government party now, so why are the elderly voting Democratic? The logic is lost on me. Lots of awkward assumptions in this one...

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