And qouting myself
This was at the bottom of another very long thread. I admired my own writing far to0 much to let it get burried there. Plus I am just looking for the oppurtunity to have someone slug me in the gut for my own Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
"And as a final point that I pose directly to the people that are ready to stick with Bush, I interject an ethical appeal:
Just summarizing the above, estimates range from 10k to 100k civilian Iraqis dead as a result of this war (funny how that does not get a lot of publicity from the so called ‘liberal’ press).
Now considering:
-no WMDs, no Al Qauida connection, no immanent threat- thus no substantive reason to conduct the war-
-no effort given to protect hospital, schools, food supplies and power plants-thus no effort to minimize the plight of the innocent caught up in this
The burdens of these deaths should therefore be squarely placed on the shoulders of our leader. Can you conscionably vote for someone who has been responsible for so many needless deaths and shows not the slightest sign of remorse or acknowledgement of Iraqi civilian death, neither acknowledgement of his mistakes, nor the wherewithal to take the steps to make it better? Even if getting rid of Saddam was a good reason to go to war, a surgeon tasked with removing gangrene from your finger, who subsequently amputates your whole arm, should not be allowed to practice medicine. The conduct of this war places Bush in the category of war criminal, not world leader.
If Kerry had no hope of getting other countries to buy in, if no other leader trusted him, if he had no experience in foreign affairs, I would still be forced by moral principal to place my vote with whoever was most likely to exorcise the ethically void man that sits in the White House today."