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tome cusp
Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-11-03 04:49:15 +0000

Election Coverage

So I've got CNN going on the tele, and it's just not interactive enough. cnn.com is OK, more interactive version of the same information. Yahoo news is interesting, far more aggressive about calling states. BBC is still my fav, though, with a very slick UI, plus, they're the only ones not afraid to call Floroda for Bush...

Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-11-03 05:02:50 +0000
Ohio is the new Florida

Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-11-03 06:14:03 +0000
I forgive you,
NH goes blue

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-03 06:16:17 +0000
Ohio looks Bushy. Could Hawaii come into play here...?

Posted by on 2004-11-03 06:22:40 +0000

Bush is getting New Mexico, Kerry, likely the rest... at any rate, if bush gets _anything_ else at this point it comea down to Ohio, which, as you said, looks Bushy. There is an outside chance that Ohio goes to the courts and we have 2000 again, however, my plan:


(Ed: space on new line for auto-magic link)

Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-11-03 06:24:48 +0000
Congress looks really red, too...

Shit, Nader is in play in Iowa.

Posted by tgl on 2004-11-03 07:17:20 +0000
I was so fucking going to post: "Ohio is the new Florida." Except I was stuck in Ed's sister's apartment with my rally pants on, drinking PBR.

Posted by tgl on 2004-11-03 07:19:30 +0000
Like rladew says: Provisional Ballots.

If the final Ohio tally is within 50,000 votes, the nearly 200,000 provisional ballots come into play, of which generally 90% are accepted as valid (my thanks to CNN on those numbers).

An aside: doesn't W. Blitzer look a bit... gay... without the flak jacket?

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-03 07:22:41 +0000
3 games down in a 7 game series. Can the good guys from Boston pull it out?

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-03 07:26:30 +0000
Nader is irrelevant for the most part here. Ohio is the fulcrum.

Posted by tgl on 2004-11-03 07:27:16 +0000
I agree, without Ohio, Kerry is SOL.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-03 07:32:54 +0000
Does Kerry get 66% of the 170,00 provisional ballots?
Do the absentee ballots come into play?
Do the punch cards at 70% of Ohio's counties (which actually has a State defintion of "hanging chad". Florida didn't)?
Does the Ohio state law of a recount at a 1/4% differentiation?
Doesn't Bush wish it were simply the popular vote?
Why am I yelling?

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-03 07:36:45 +0000
I'm trying to figure out if a Bush victory means that I have to move out of this counrty, or go into politics.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-03 07:37:43 +0000
Right there with yah

Posted by tgl on 2004-11-03 07:39:49 +0000
Uncle J for Congress!

Did Coors lose?

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-03 07:41:33 +0000
I tried so hard this time. I gave money, volunteered time, fought for the issues in every forum I could find. I just can't help feeling that the religious right, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News own this country.

How is it that 56% of people can feel that the war is going badly. 64% believe Kerry is better on the economy and still vote for Bush?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-03 07:43:22 +0000
Adolph Pete Coors Jr. lost. Yeah!

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-03 07:44:35 +0000
On a good note, Colorado had some funny things happen. State congress is now controlled by Dems. Coors lost handily and it looks like Salazars brother might win. They passed an initiative to increase sales tax to add tons of public transport. It looks like they are going to pass an amendment to require energy companies to invest in renewable resources. They passed a referendum to give giant sums of money to art and science. It seems that CO is getting more progressive.

Yet, they still voted for Bush.

Posted by tgl on 2004-11-03 13:36:38 +0000
Great quote on this election from the <a href="http://www.cbc.ca/cp/world/041103/w110362.html">Great White North</a>:

"Bush was favoured among white men, voters with family incomes over $100,000 US and evangelical Christians who view him as a messenger from God in a titanic fight to quell terrorism and spread liberty around the world, while Kerry was the overwhelming favourite of black voters, Hispanics, union households and was supported by many younger voters."

There it is again: straight white Christian males

Posted by rladew on 2004-11-03 14:56:27 +0000

“When you’re creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain’t the limit.” Miles Davis

Posted by on 2004-11-03 15:34:47 +0000
I'm liking the CNN breakdown. Here's a shocker: <a href="http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/pages/results/states/NH/P/00/index.html">Coos County goes Kerry</a>

Did I not call it that the southern tier of New Hampshire is now the Republican part?

Posted by frame609 on 2004-11-03 17:49:44 +0000
I was too busy drinking PBR at Ed's sisters, admiring yr. rally pants.

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