We Won!
There was an exchange last night between BQ and Ned. Had to do with winning/losing. I think Kerry supporters can rightly feel disappointed that their candidate lost, even the funny bits about seceding, are OK.
Even with the flawed election method, at least we were able to go to the polling booths without the threat of violence, that's more to say than for some parts of the world (just violence, no booths).
While there are concerned, thoughtful, economically conservative folks out there supporting Bush, his ability to be elected is not from those principles. He's an evangelical Christian, and that's where the votes come from that put him over the top. To not see that is to be blind.
Felt better after reading <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/04/opinion/04safire.html">Safire </a> today. Who'd a thunk that?