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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-04 19:42:19 +0000

"They just don't get it"

As I was walking through Copley Square yesterday, I saw the crews taking down the stage and lights. I continued to the south west corner of Dartmouth and Boylston next to the Public Library, and I passed a group of 150 to 200 young adults, shouting "No blood for Oil" through a bullhorn, and holding up signs stating "Shame on U.S."

I crossed Boylston street and a women in a black trenchcoat looked at me and said, "They just don't get it."

I slowed down before I got to Newbury Street and I began to cry. It don't know what it was: That Bush won and my region's hopes were crushed? That dirty politics won again? That a couple hundred people refused to give up hope, as if Tuesday never even happened? Maybe the World Series was finally sinking in?

People talk about how Democrats talk down to people. How Dems preach a moral superiority. How they don't have a platform. I just don't see that.

The whole point of the Democrats is that they want the demographic, the people, to have a voice, not just their representatives. So while Bush says, "Black and white" "good and evil," the Democratic's say, "well, sorta" "kind of" or "yeah, but..."

The Democratic platform is exactly that: "We don't have all the answers, but we know you're doing it wrong, so we're going to talk to a lot of people and hammer out an answer." Think about it. It's the opposite of intellectual superiority.

Maybe it's part of being a Red Sox fan, the team that never wins it all, yet puts up a good fight, still a part of history, the "yeah, buts."

The election was not a mandate; it was simply too split for that. And "the people's" party needs to know that. These 200 kids did.

I sat on a bench on Newbury Street and wrote in my journal for a couple minutes. "They just don't get it." Sorry, Ma'am, they've already got it in spades....

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-05 05:54:56 +0000
I wrote a reply for 10 minutes and then decided that you said it without need for addition.
Right on

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