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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by frame609 on 2004-02-15 23:02:33 +0000

Pub quiz.

Meetin' at the Independent at 7:30 on Monday. You down?

Posted by on 2004-02-16 15:06:02 +0000
I forgot that I was supposed to help out with the office move at 4pm today. I think I can do that, do some house chores and make it to the Independent.

BTW, I've added more forums. http://www.rideside.net/phpBB2/index.php

Posted by on 2004-02-16 15:09:26 +0000
Yo guys, It's time to make Mondays Tuesdays
As in the think tank about the future or...futre think tanks

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