I'm starting to back away from this idea that stressing the moral values thing is the way to go. Obviously, that's part of it. Progressives are motivated by moral values, why else would there be such visceral outrage at the way this President governs?
There is no way an adamant pro-Life voter is going to pick a Democrat. Might as well forget trying to swing "moral values" voters. They aren't reachable for the most part. There was a piece on the radio where a lady in Columbus, OH said she was choosing "Z.Z.Top" this year, she explained it as Bush being incomptent and Kerry being pro-abortion.
Nationalize the election issues & fire up the base. Kerry took a majority of independent voters, he took a majority of liberal and moderate voters. There are just more conservative voters turning up at the polls.
Ahh... Friday morning quarterback.
Posted by rladew on 2004-11-05 17:32:54 +0000
I see Krugman in this article as name calling. If you dont agree with someone they are" radical" or a "neo conservative"
I give 5 billion craps less about Bush's God Agenda/ stance on Abortion / Anti Gay Rights etc etc etc. To me, that's not what this election was about, and all of these side issuses distract people I think. I want someone running the gov't who will leave me alone as much as possible. That person is Bush, not Kerry.
Kerry is anti Gay rights just like Bush, I would personally think Gays would respect Bush more as they at least know where he stands and what he's about. Kerry would kindly rally the gay vote for his election purposes, but do you think he would go out on a limb for them after he was elected?
I like to know where I stand with people, good or bad. If my leader cant tell me where I stand, at least someone who is against me I would know they were against me....
The same thing happens at work... I dont know if my boss is for me or against me... Alot of the times if I cant clearly identify an authority figure who is clearly for me, Id rather base my decisions on living life using a leader who I know is against me - at least you know which way that person is gonna go and you can plot yr own course....
“When you’re creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain’t the limit.†Miles Davis
Posted by tgl on 2004-11-05 17:44:32 +0000
Likewise "reactionary" or "liberal"?
Better yet: "girlie men" ...which is in no way meant to evoke homophobia.
Posted by rladew on 2004-11-05 17:50:35 +0000
Its true that no one is a saint when it comes to name calling, my point is that the NYT arent exactly breaking the paradigm
“When you’re creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain’t the limit.†Miles Davis
Posted by tgl on 2004-11-05 18:02:40 +0000
The largest percentage of voters were motivated by "moral issues", 22%. They overwhelmingly went for Bush, I have a hard time believing that they did so other than that they identify with Bush's vision of God & America.
I'd like to stop talking about how or why I voted or how or why rladew voted and talk about how or why the electorate as a whole voted. I'm not a typical Kerry voter, neither is rladew a typical Bush voter.
Bush came out for civil unions only recently, but pressed for the enshrinement of discrimination against gays in the Constitution. Kerry has been slippery on gay issues, just like Clinton. "Don't Ask Don't Tell" was a setback. To say Kerry would be worse than Bush for gays is a little disingenuous. At this point, going out on a limb would be to _not_ sponsor an anti-gay Constitutional amendment, Kerry clearly would not do that.
An example of why gays should respect Bush: The BC04 used flyers depicting a church & a traditional nuclear family, entitled 'George W. Bush shares your values. Marriage. Life. Faith.' <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A23754-2004Nov3.html">The Post</a>
Could someone who is gay back me up on this? <a href="http://www.andrewsullivan.com/index.php?dish_inc=archives/2004_10_31_dish_archive.html#109949699774587765">Again, my favorite gay Republican</a>
Posted by uncle on 2004-11-05 18:18:20 +0000
Let me get this straight, as long as you are sure that someone is against you, that makes that person a good choice? Following that logic to the ridiculous degree, Bin Laden really really is definitely against you. Why not write him in? Bush stands the chance of at least possibly doing something unexpected for your benefit.
But seriously, this president has the most secretive administration since Nixon. I mean, we can't even find out who our VP is making energy decisions with. There is now way to tell where Bush stands except by looking at his behaviors- give money to the wealthy, do nothing to stop outsourcing, ruin environmental policy, create unnecessary war, divide the classes, divide the country and promote rampant relgion. I mean, this guy lies through his teeth all the time. Kerry confronted him during the debate about owning part of a timber company and Bush simply lied and denied it. Kerry, like all politicians was guilty of stretching numbers, but I don't know of him actually lying. Bush and Cheney keep getting caught lying, but no one seems to care. Why not? If you were to sum up where you stand with Bush, what would you say?
As far as Kerry goes, speaking in a Rhetorical sense to the masses that felt that Bush was clear while Kerry was not, did you take the time to see what he stood for? Did you go to his site and read his plans, many of which were detailed and extensive? Do you really believe that the plans of a potential leader can be laid out in sound bites or summary news articles? And even in soundbite form, Kerry said again and again that he is going to improve the economy to support the middle class, raise taxes on the rich but not on anyone else and lower your health care costs. If you want the details read the plan, if you want the summary listen to the rhetoric. What left you all with a question as to where you stand with Kerry?
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-05 18:47:20 +0000
"I want someone running the gov't who will leave me alone as much as possible. That person is Bush, not Kerry." -rladew
Seems like you are speaking the old Republican party lines here. This is simply not true anymore, as we've gone over scores of times here at rs.n: Patriot act, abortion rights, etc.
Posted by uncle on 2004-11-05 18:48:49 +0000
The only constitutional right that Bush is cleary for is the right to bear arms. The rest in on the table.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-05 19:03:23 +0000
13% of the voters can from big cities. 16% from rural areas. But it's the suburbs with the greatest percentage 45% (!).
And by region: the South claims the highest percentage (32%) of voters.
Do these numbers correlate with percentage of the overall population?
I'm starting to back away from this idea that stressing the moral values thing is the way to go. Obviously, that's part of it. Progressives are motivated by moral values, why else would there be such visceral outrage at the way this President governs?
<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/05/opinion/05krugman.html">Ah, Krugman</a>
There is no way an adamant pro-Life voter is going to pick a Democrat. Might as well forget trying to swing "moral values" voters. They aren't reachable for the most part. There was a piece on the radio where a lady in Columbus, OH said she was choosing "Z.Z.Top" this year, she explained it as Bush being incomptent and Kerry being pro-abortion.
Nationalize the election issues & fire up the base. Kerry took a majority of independent voters, he took a majority of liberal and moderate voters. There are just more conservative voters turning up at the polls.
Ahh... Friday morning quarterback.
I give 5 billion craps less about Bush's God Agenda/ stance on Abortion / Anti Gay Rights etc etc etc. To me, that's not what this election was about, and all of these side issuses distract people I think. I want someone running the gov't who will leave me alone as much as possible. That person is Bush, not Kerry.
Kerry is anti Gay rights just like Bush, I would personally think Gays would respect Bush more as they at least know where he stands and what he's about. Kerry would kindly rally the gay vote for his election purposes, but do you think he would go out on a limb for them after he was elected?
I like to know where I stand with people, good or bad. If my leader cant tell me where I stand, at least someone who is against me I would know they were against me....
The same thing happens at work... I dont know if my boss is for me or against me... Alot of the times if I cant clearly identify an authority figure who is clearly for me, Id rather base my decisions on living life using a leader who I know is against me - at least you know which way that person is gonna go and you can plot yr own course....
“When you’re creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain’t the limit.†Miles Davis
Better yet: "girlie men" ...which is in no way meant to evoke homophobia.
“When you’re creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain’t the limit.†Miles Davis
I'd like to stop talking about how or why I voted or how or why rladew voted and talk about how or why the electorate as a whole voted. I'm not a typical Kerry voter, neither is rladew a typical Bush voter.
Bush came out for civil unions only recently, but pressed for the enshrinement of discrimination against gays in the Constitution. Kerry has been slippery on gay issues, just like Clinton. "Don't Ask Don't Tell" was a setback. To say Kerry would be worse than Bush for gays is a little disingenuous. At this point, going out on a limb would be to _not_ sponsor an anti-gay Constitutional amendment, Kerry clearly would not do that.
An example of why gays should respect Bush: The BC04 used flyers depicting a church & a traditional nuclear family, entitled 'George W. Bush shares your values. Marriage. Life. Faith.' <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A23754-2004Nov3.html">The Post</a>
Could someone who is gay back me up on this? <a href="http://www.andrewsullivan.com/index.php?dish_inc=archives/2004_10_31_dish_archive.html#109949699774587765">Again, my favorite gay Republican</a>
But seriously, this president has the most secretive administration since Nixon. I mean, we can't even find out who our VP is making energy decisions with. There is now way to tell where Bush stands except by looking at his behaviors- give money to the wealthy, do nothing to stop outsourcing, ruin environmental policy, create unnecessary war, divide the classes, divide the country and promote rampant relgion. I mean, this guy lies through his teeth all the time. Kerry confronted him during the debate about owning part of a timber company and Bush simply lied and denied it. Kerry, like all politicians was guilty of stretching numbers, but I don't know of him actually lying. Bush and Cheney keep getting caught lying, but no one seems to care. Why not? If you were to sum up where you stand with Bush, what would you say?
As far as Kerry goes, speaking in a Rhetorical sense to the masses that felt that Bush was clear while Kerry was not, did you take the time to see what he stood for? Did you go to his site and read his plans, many of which were detailed and extensive? Do you really believe that the plans of a potential leader can be laid out in sound bites or summary news articles? And even in soundbite form, Kerry said again and again that he is going to improve the economy to support the middle class, raise taxes on the rich but not on anyone else and lower your health care costs. If you want the details read the plan, if you want the summary listen to the rhetoric. What left you all with a question as to where you stand with Kerry?
Seems like you are speaking the old Republican party lines here. This is simply not true anymore, as we've gone over scores of times here at rs.n: Patriot act, abortion rights, etc.