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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by uncle on 2004-11-05 15:56:43 +0000

It has already began

This crackhead has already started with the "You're with us or without us" crap. He has already announced his intentions to ignore those who disagree with him. Hooray for democracy!

<a href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041105/ap_on_el_pr/bush&cid=694&ncid=716">Bush Pledges to Change Social Security</a>

He is such a POS. Over and over again he proves that nothing that comes from his mouth is anything but lies. How can you possibly say on one hand "I really look forward to reaching accross the aisle" and then on the other hand say "I'll work with those who agree with me."

This is facism at it's best. I'm glad that 52% of the country likes this guy because the rest of us 48% have already started getting fucked.

(Ed: link fixin')

Posted by frame609 on 2004-11-05 08:20:51 +0000
Hooray, government through fear!

(It's okay to say 'piece of shit' on the board, J. At least for the time being.)

Posted by tgl on 2004-11-05 14:20:40 +0000
"He took congratulatory calls from world leaders from Russia, Poland, Iraq , Afghanistan , Israel and Italy."

Tony Blair didn't call?

Posted by Rory_Stark on 2004-11-05 14:29:57 +0000
I'm making my first million on USA out of New England t-shirts.

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-05 20:09:55 +0000
Why do I not get the USA out of New England joke?

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-05 20:15:10 +0000
I wonder if the callers said, "Congrats George on once again gaining the authority to enforce your will on millions of unwilling members of your country. Also congrats on gaining continued autority to wield your military on the world stage like a drunken Spanish crusaider. And by the way, you are really good looking and well spoken and please don't invade our coutry or attack our economy."

Posted by tgl on 2004-11-05 20:28:35 +0000
I'd move out of the country, but then I might become a victim of our foreign policy.

Posted by tgl on 2004-11-05 20:30:18 +0000
Some person, not to name names if it's OK with tgl, was chatting up some Irish lasses at the Peeps Reeps quite some time ago. He then thought it would be funny to indulge in some "colonial humor". Hence the yell: "U.K. out of America"

Posted by rladew on 2004-11-05 21:16:14 +0000
BTW: Grammar wise Im pretty sure this thread should be It has already Begun...

just an observation....

“When you’re creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain’t the limit.” Miles Davis

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-06 21:03:58 +0000
How about a "And New England Secedes..." T-shirt?

Posted by uncle on 2004-11-07 01:57:01 +0000
Actually I noticed that just after I hit submit. Too bad Terry is too lazy to make it so you can edit your posts. Freekin bumb.

Posted by Time Wisrd on 2004-11-07 20:50:53 +0000
Just checking to see if I can edit this post...

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