Bow 'n Arrow @ P.A.'s Lounge 2004.11.09
It's a crappy flash website, here's an interview (beware Baltimore adult entertainment ads):
Showed up to see U.V. Protection at P.A.'s Lounge last night. Found one H. Moody at the bar. Around 10:30pm we made our way over to the "restaurant" section to find one guy standing on the stage with a microphone, and a portable CD player. He rapped over some tracks, the only rhyme I remembered was something about "get impaled". He had a confession section ("do you want a dark on or a funny one?") were he claimed to desicrate a grave... I think that was the dark one. I think that has MC Hype Man?
Then came Bow 'N Arrow. Same schtick. Better beats, more energetic on the microphone. Again, sorry, couldn't tell what he said. The room seemed to like it. There were at least 4 or 5 other people from Baltimore in the crowd up front. Moods & I discussed whether this was the hip Somerville scene, or hip J.P. scene, imported.
U.V. Protection was cancelled do to sickness.
Thank goodness we did!
100% Riot-Schtuffy!