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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by rladew on 2004-11-14 12:42:26 +0000

Do You Wanna Get Yr Teeth Knocked The Fuck Out?

Big Baby Jesus R.I.P.

a sad day indeed.

this has been such a horrible year for music deaths.


I think its unecessary to tell you what will be in the stereo today.

I wonder if my neighberhood convenience store sells OE 40 oz... Only appropriate thing to toast him with, i could spill a little in the snow for him....

Posted by rladew on 2004-11-15 00:49:29 +0000
someone just downloaded "Dog Shit" off of me on soulseek... I'm glad they didnt have to pay for that one.

Im still sad that ODB is dead though.

"hooooooooooooo - yeahhh hey yeeee haaaaaaaaaaa

fuck y'all"
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

Posted by rladew on 2004-11-15 18:14:51 +0000
Stolen from Pitchfork:

“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-12-21 00:00:41 +0000
Well, I guess it's no surprise
ODB died of drug overdose.
But it beats getting shot, right?
"O.D.B. is survived by mother, his wife and a reported thirteen children." He was 35...

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-21 02:21:06 +0000
Bizquig told me the funniest story related to hearing the news of ODB's demise, but before I tell a lame version of it, I'm gonna ask the Q-tang to come back in to this thread and tell y'all personally.

Look out Tupac: 2005 is the year for posthumous hip hop from ODB methinks.....

“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

Posted by bizquig3000 on 2004-12-21 16:51:26 +0000
What? The story that my mother broke the news to me that ODB died?

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-21 17:51:04 +0000
yeah! The way you told it @ Michelle's was AWESOME. Now it just sounds lame cuz Ive built it up so much....

“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

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