Plus the House GOP is asking for a higher budget debt limit. That'll make it $8.184 trillion, or roughly 32,000 per person in the US, or 61,000 per worker.
And to think we had a budget surplus with Clinton...
Posted by Miriam on 2004-11-17 19:09:08 +0000
Guess it's a bad time to travel in Europe.
Posted by rladew on 2004-11-17 19:10:33 +0000
...when Clinton didn't have to spend any where near the amy of $$$ on the military that we are required to now...
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-17 19:44:19 +0000
Stop crying, rladew. Clinton revamped our military while still spending wisely. What with this "required?" I have not heard any "required" military spending. Please let me know of these "required" moneys.
We also had a strong economy because of Clinton, which helps when collecting taxes.
Bush is simply one of the worst money handlers in history.
Posted by tgl on 2004-11-17 19:57:14 +0000
Military spending did not change drastically from Bush 41 to Clinton (42).
Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-11-17 20:26:29 +0000
I didn't think I had to say it, but I guess I have to say it:
The War on Terrorism is not a war.
Just like the The War on Drugs was not a war. This is political marketing, it's a campaign ad. The war in Iraq (which was by no means required) has nothing to do with The War on Terrorism. Bush spends more money because he's making money for his buddies. He is the Anti Robin Hood. Tax the poor to pay the rich. Unfortunately for him, his plan, like most self serving plans, has degenerative returns even for himself in the long term. He and his buddies are all going to have a whole bunch of US dollars in their pockets that aren't worth the paper they're printed on.
Posted by tgl on 2004-11-17 20:36:15 +0000
An American w/ a pocket full of worthless greenbacks. Ay-uh. I'd stay home.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-18 04:20:38 +0000
More details from the AP on the budget catastrophe. Kerry kickin' ass and taking names by the way...
Posted by uncle on 2004-11-19 17:29:40 +0000
Horray for the falling dollar!
It may be too late to buy a currency wheelbarrow if they are still being made in Germany. Good thing most of you are good with your hands, you can build one.
Posted by rladew on 2004-11-19 21:01:58 +0000
Umm are you inferring that the sky is falling?
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
Posted by uncle on 2004-11-20 17:47:41 +0000
The sky? No, that is impossible. However the dollar is, precipitously so, brought on by our debt. An economic turn around has historically been necessary when 1% of the population owns more then 40% of the wealth. That has been true across multiple economies. I was reading about it the other day, I will need to get you the source(a Republican I might add). His point is, the smoothest turn arounds have to come from the wealthy putting back into the system. The nominal tax rate for the top 1% in 1948 was 91%. The economy grew at massive rates, wealth was more evenly distributed and the middle class was reborn. And historically if redistibution does not happen voluntarily, then it will happen involuntarily when the economy of said nation falls appart- as it is starting to now for us now.
The sky is not necessarily falling, but there are many good economists who believe that a storm is coming. Storms are generally created by an imbalance in a system, and they cease when the system again reaches a state of equilibrium. The storm that is likely coming will not be fun for anyone.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-20 20:52:05 +0000
Greenspan said as much. Has he ever been so obvious that he's going to raise interest rates? Seriously, ever?
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-11-24 16:41:29 +0000
The sad part is that the weak dollar should help with US exports, but as my father pointed out this past weekend, the US doesn't make as much as we used to. We shall see if the trade deficit shrinks in the next quarter.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-12-07 20:39:30 +0000
And even worse? The Ecomomist chimes in.
"Americans who favour a weak dollar should be careful what they wish for. Cutting the budget deficit looks cheap at the price."
Now you tell us, after we just elected the biggest "Don't tax, but spend" president ever...
Posted by tgl on 2004-12-07 22:27:36 +0000
"In a free market, without the massive support of Asian central banks, the dollar would be far weaker."
What?! America's economy is supported by import tariffs/federal subsidies/and strong-armed foreign policy?!! It's _not_ a free market?! I'm shocked, just shocked.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-02-08 19:26:07 +0000
Here's what happens when you have a president who thinks math is "fuzzy."
I love how Bush just leaves out the military spending in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the whole "transition spending" thing.
Posted by tgl on 2005-02-08 21:13:11 +0000
You know, I was projecting that I'd have to buy a car last year, but I didn't, so I'm ahead 10 or 20 Gs right now.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-02-08 21:30:42 +0000
Nice. What are you going to do with all that money?
Posted by tgl on 2005-02-08 21:37:24 +0000
I'm going to put in a <strike>private</strike>, <strike>personal savings</strike>, mandatory stock investment account; where the Government will tell my which securities I'm allowed to invest in and at what time I can withdraw from it.
Posted by G lib on 2005-02-10 19:32:45 +0000
My favorite post yet, TGL.
Like whoa...
Posted by on 2005-02-10 23:00:23 +0000
Republican Porn.
Posted by tgl on 2005-02-11 04:26:45 +0000
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-02-11 05:41:41 +0000
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
We also had a strong economy because of Clinton, which helps when collecting taxes.
Bush is simply one of the worst money handlers in history.
The War on Terrorism is not a war.
Just like the The War on Drugs was not a war. This is political marketing, it's a campaign ad. The war in Iraq (which was by no means required) has nothing to do with The War on Terrorism. Bush spends more money because he's making money for his buddies. He is the Anti Robin Hood. Tax the poor to pay the rich. Unfortunately for him, his plan, like most self serving plans, has degenerative returns even for himself in the long term. He and his buddies are all going to have a whole bunch of US dollars in their pockets that aren't worth the paper they're printed on.
It may be too late to buy a currency wheelbarrow if they are still being made in Germany. Good thing most of you are good with your hands, you can build one.
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
The sky is not necessarily falling, but there are many good economists who believe that a storm is coming. Storms are generally created by an imbalance in a system, and they cease when the system again reaches a state of equilibrium. The storm that is likely coming will not be fun for anyone.
The sad part is that the weak dollar should help with US exports, but as my father pointed out this past weekend, the US doesn't make as much as we used to. We shall see if the trade deficit shrinks in the next quarter.
"Americans who favour a weak dollar should be careful what they wish for. Cutting the budget deficit looks cheap at the price."
Now you tell us, after we just elected the biggest "Don't tax, but spend" president ever...
What?! America's economy is supported by import tariffs/federal subsidies/and strong-armed foreign policy?!! It's _not_ a free market?! I'm shocked, just shocked.
I love how Bush just leaves out the military spending in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the whole "transition spending" thing.
Like whoa...