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Posted by frame609 on 2004-05-06 18:52:17 +0000

Free David Ortiz!

The Tizzle = not on the MLB All-Star ballot. Write in!

Posted by tgl on 2004-05-07 16:56:37 +0000
[url]http://www.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/events/all_star/y2004/ballot_reg.jsp[/url] I'm writing him in at first base. Supposedly you can vote up to 25 times.

Posted by frame609 on 2004-05-08 07:48:22 +0000
I voted 25 times. So did Don Bixtler.

Posted by edward on 2004-05-08 21:46:45 +0000
25 for me, and 25 for Dawn Bixtler

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