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throwing shoes since '04
CPFLM(@)T 4/30-5/1/07
"A sweater, a guitar and the lyrics to 'Teen Spirit' — that's what my daughter gets. And the rest we'll just fucking sell."
Mass Bike Week
Punk Love photo exhibit
I guess we're all going down
My C4RT name
Frosted Flakes
First ___________ of the year:
EL-P Concert Review
Venus Volcanic Eruptions from the 'New Horizons' NASA Probe
four minutes and eighteen seconds of pure pleasure
Really only of interest to me.
Make Minneapolis Beautiful
Tort Reform?
John Stanier, the busy man
Bowie Immersion Insight - Tony Visconti interview
Worst Lyric Ever?
Dear Roger Clemens:
Fucking Champs @ Great Scott 6/3/07
Bowie Immersion #17: Tonight (1984)
W??: Lynn Gin Tasters
Chopper Needs Your Help !!
'Spider-Man 3'
Paging: Big geeks who dig Japanese spazzcore
Welcome back David YoWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Is that Freedom River?
CPFLM(@)T 5/7-8/07
Excursion reminder
Joe Castiglione Fact Of The Game
End Of Radio - Show #1 Sunday May 6th 3:00 - 6:30 am
You Tubin'
Dear Rush Limbaugh:
Dear Ryan Howard
Nice sports article
RIP : Post Paid
I'll probably earn rebuke and censure for this, but:
Visualization is way cool
This Day in 1903
It's official
Julio Lugo Sez:
Bowie Immersion #18 : Never Let Me Down (1987)
Wicked Pissah Mega Kegah!!
DeeJay Hubris:
Best pitcher in baseball.
Space Talk from Dimension Eugene (Mirman, w/ David Cross)
CPFLM(@)T 5/14-5/07
now what?
"We made brownies and I think we're dead."
RIP Jerry Falwell
that's awesome
2007-05-15: Lynn Gin Tasters
Dear Bostonians
Illustrious Admiral Akbar Mohammed the III
Of Montreal - The Past is a Grotesque Animal
Position #9
Frodo Baggins Wants To Be Your Dog.
playing with millionaires
Cycling soap opera
Rudee! Rudee!
NBA Conference Finals 2007 (more millionaires, ssgt.dh please ignore)
N. Korean Roller Coaster
Dude, WTF?
What I Did This Weekend: Part II Sunday 05/20/07
The Bowie Immersion.....
What I Did This Weekend: Part I Saturday 05/19/2007
Wachusett Blueberry Beer
CPFLM(@)T 5/21-22/07
I can haz music video
Spock Likes to Takes pictures of
Rideside Haiku
Baseball Fans - Eyes Only ARod is a
Bowie Immersion #19: Tin Machine (1989)
Summer Tour/Readings
Has Anyone Noticed...
Once I've replied, you are denied!
This is One of the Reasons Why I Often Prefer Bullshit, Music and Baseball to Politics
RIP: Shizzatellite
Anyone for Roller Derby?
Cape Cod Wi-fi - Sucka!
In another league:
Sir Paul's newest
Nation of Ulysses demos
Spirited Start
Now you can jam out with the Ewoks
CPFLM(@)T 5/28-9/07
Bowie Immersion #20: Tim Machine II (1991)
Yoooooooooooooouuuu k
On Beauty
Curtain Society, Samveen, The Luxury, Walter The Orage Ocean - Sat in Worcester
Not my fantasy
Find me on github.