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Posted by rladew on 2004-12-04 18:38:33 +0000

Rich Ladew Is The Boy Who Called Wolf.........

(As far as shows are concerned)

Lets see the track record of missed shows that I have fully intended to go to in the past couple of years:

-Black Flag Reunion (What the Fuck was I Thinking?)
-Pixies (2 blown opportunities in a row)
-ISIS (I saw my own bile yesterday - not a pretty thing...)

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-04 18:39:08 +0000
So how was the ISIS show?

“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

Posted by frame609 on 2004-12-04 20:19:20 +0000
Terry G. got some food poisoning (you feelin' better now, Terry G.?) and I didn't want to go by myself, so I wound up seeing Cracktorch instead. It was cuddlecore compared to Isis, I'm sure.

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-05 00:33:38 +0000
Shit man.

Im so hard core into shit like ISIS, but when the rubber meets the road, I just cant turn my lifestyle into a "harder than you" ISIS kind of vibe. Baby duty and vomiting and work constraints just bitch slap me every time. Maddie is into liquified pears, I discovered yesterday..... New Midwest 'Maddie Tour 2004' pix comin soon...

[sourgrapes] As far as ISIS is concerned, I probably would have gotten my ass kicked anyway... [/sourgrapes]

P.s. TGL: Did you see bile (the fluid, not the band)or piss out of yr ass for more than 36 hrs???..... Here's hoping we can all stay well in 2005 :)

NP: Beastie Boys 'Crawlspace' (Obnoxious 2004 year end list being compiled - who knows when and if it will ever be released, organized, or disseminated...)

“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

Posted by tgl on 2004-12-05 04:26:36 +0000
Wow. No.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-12-05 20:04:38 +0000
Howz Nick Z?

Posted by frame609 on 2004-12-05 21:41:47 +0000
Hard hitter.

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