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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by rladew on 2004-12-05 03:38:48 +0000

New Perfect Circle

Covers of Black Flag, Marvin Gaye, John Lennon, Depeche Mode et al.

Although the idea seems cool, I recoiled in horror listening to this on Itunes....

Imagine these cool artists having their awesome melodies stripped away and having some creepy vocals sung by maynard verbatim from the originals..... blecch

I used to dig TOOL for the fierce rhythm section thing, but Maynard's voice never did anything for me. Now its staring to repulse....

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-12-05 03:50:36 +0000
Come on, how can you complain about a version of Lennon's "Imagine" that actually scary? This is more fun than any recent Marilyn Manson....

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-05 03:57:22 +0000
uggh talking about this more could break me out into seizures....

“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-05 03:59:02 +0000
It's scary in the 'Ishtar' or 'ernest Goes To Camp' sense and not in the 'Exorcist' or 'Rosemary's Baby' sense....

“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-12-05 05:09:55 +0000
Exactly, that is scary! Like, really Scary!!!

Can I mention I liked "Ishtar."

Posted by frame609 on 2004-12-05 21:41:18 +0000
What Flag song do they cover?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-12-06 04:09:55 +0000
"Gimme Gimme Gimme"

Actually Frame, you would enjoy this immensely...

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-06 18:19:57 +0000
they have balls to call these covers IMHO

“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.” --SUN RA

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