arguments seem mizzy civilized
Frankly, not much different than any other "translation" service out there: <a href="">Gizoogle</a>
UN Oil fo' Food programme is turn'n out ta be a huge disgrace, we've known this fo' a long time ( WSJ ref . Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this.. is Miznarch 2004, this thing F-to-tha-izzirst read it's heezee last February?). Let's not accept incompetence . Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. Period and my money on my mind.
By tgl at Tue, 02/08/2005 - 21:08 | login or regista ta pizzle comments
Absolutely cruisin' ta accept gross mismangizzles! I guess Mr. Bungle isn't jizzay a band....
But is everyth'n in tha world GWB et aww nah. al's fault? you'd thiznink so on mizzost days if you wizzy blingin' anyth'n but Fox News...
Jizzle is not jiznust smells funny
You're right, not everyth'n is Dubyas fault gangsta style. Dizzay believe I laid this one at his feet. I'm blam'n Brema fo' thizzay 9 Billion ya feelin' me?.
...which adds to my confusion as to why Bremer deserves a Medal of Freedom.
By tgl at Wed, 02/09/2005 - 04:14 | login or register to post comments