tome cusp
The President's Super Bowl pick
Zorn! Damon!
Today on Pitchfork....
about that video tape
more links for the linky
A tribute to the G-man
New England vs. Philadelphia
How I got a VD
Yo! Jon Howard raps.
Gracious Boomerang
Couple Campaign shows
so yeah, the return of paul reubens
time for a yellow mustang
Shooting at Paradise
High Five!
Literature of the Left
Let the Spike Lee Film Festival Begin
juice/wire II
I'm Nuts About The Nats
Dead Milkmen: Live!
for what it's worth
Bean Pot
Overheard in Boston
Personal Blog Entry
My book is finally out!
arguments seem mizzy civilized
I get all the crazies.
Some Kind Of Documentary
The new Chunklet....
Tax Time (earliest ever for me to fill out a 1040)
One year of posts this Sunday.
Don't panic!
What I've found this evening...
Jon Clark on Central American baseball.
John Stanier appreciation post
My Mom's Forwards
Another day, another brawl.
Crude Bombin to a record store near you....
Do the Sox need a bench coach?
Dodging multiple bullets
Dear Michael Jackson:
A Jazz Thing....
My C4RT diary
late night links
More Hitchhikers porn
Goddammit I Love The Onion
Can I brag about my sister a little?
A good cause for a telethon
Can we retire some words?
My Favorite Harvard Crimson "Police Log" Entry #1
Speaking of work
Bush's Social Security phase out
Chris Ware / Daniel Clowes Connection
My name is...
english scansion software that will get you laid
The Somerville "Gates"
Victoriaville Quebec festival
I Love Todd Trainer! (The Scariest Man In Rock other than the singer from Gay For Johnny Depp)
A Food Network Confession
2005 Looks Like a Good Year For Punk Documentaries
2005 Looks Like a Good Year For Punk Documentaries
R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson
Paris Hilton's cel phone
who is big league now?
ah, serendipity
So your girl likes paperback?
CPFLMATT 2/21/05
Bob's Your Uncle
Tufts Community Audit
pitchforkmedia today
The Problem With Highland
Fuck Chunklet Part 3
Krautboy Blog-- Women will get sterile just looking at you!
Deion Sanders' Hot Dog Express
Fuck Chunklet Part 4
The Breakfast Club
Wither the middle class?
I'm in New Olreans
D. Ainge is a freakin' genius
So much celebrity news, so little time.
my friend and yours, jessamyn
Save the date: 3/2/05
Public Enemy
Query: 007
We was ROBBED!
Kids, don't rat out yr. jobs.
Putin knows something we don't?
Word of the week:
Depeche Mode appreciation post
French Tip nails
Canseco, get yr. shit together.
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