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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by theduane on 2005-02-09 17:49:45 +0000

I get all the crazies.

Did I "blow" an opportunity for a sale with my response? I sent a pic of a cheesecake I made.

Received this message today:

xxxxxxxxxx@aol.com wrote:
50 mwm 6' 180 blk/hzl 6"c; live in so md, work in crystal city; lunch time best for me (but not today).......love to suck and be sucked.......let me know if you're interested. can trade pics

And responded as such:

Sorry, but your message somehow got sent to the wrong address. I have an ad up on Boston craigslist for a home chef service. Good luck anyway.

Posted by tgl on 2005-02-09 17:54:50 +0000
Wow. I'm completely befuddled. "theduane" continues to impress. I don't think you're Frank Trippi anymore.

Posted by theduane on 2005-02-09 23:07:13 +0000
the response:

"Xxxxxxxxxx@aol.com wrote:
I am so sorry.......must have got some numbers mixed up.....sending this from work computer on my aol account...again, sorry."

and mine:

"No worries. I don't swing that way, but if you know anyone in Boston who needs a home chef, send them my address ;-)"

"bring on the night..."

Posted by frame609 on 2005-02-09 23:56:36 +0000
theduane is obviously pam's fake account.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-02-10 16:47:24 +0000
Dude, I totally would've gone to Maryland for hot lunch.

Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-02-10 22:18:52 +0000
Hey theduane... when are we going to see the Celtics?

Posted by tgl on 2005-02-10 22:34:31 +0000
bizquig3000 with "theduane" fagen.

Posted by theduane on 2005-02-10 22:41:11 +0000
the end? That was the closest I've gotten to any action since I've moved into town.

Xxxxxxxxxx@aol.com wrote:

"roger that...........i bet i put a smile on your face......i'm still
laughing (and embarrassed)........."

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