Can we retire some words?
So, whilst e-mailing them UV Protection ladies about trying to procure a CD of theirs (I'm sure it's lacking all the bullshit that makes them great, like the fucked up show, f'r instance), UVDeborah (her name not mine) offered to trade CDs. Footnote: how'd she know I was in a band? My guess is that I drunkenly told her in some I'm-going-to-stalk-you-girls e-mail about the Campaign. Alright, I know what y'all are saying GET TO THE FUCKING POINT BRENDAN, and I am. After telling her we didn't have an proper CDs, only a demo, and that we were recording anon, she claimed that the recording would come out just fine because we were ninjas.
Can we officially retire the word "ninja" from everyday language? Seems kinda played out to me.
"Cowabunga Dude" - Leonardo, The Teenage Mutant NINJA turtle
She was flirting with you, BQ.
Like whoa...