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tome cusp
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2005-02-17 16:05:23 +0000

Speaking of work

I know you all sometimes wonder what it is that G and I really do all day, and why we spent so frickin' long in stupid school to learn all about it, so I thought I'd share this nugget of cultural preservation with you:

"We actually have a significantly large collection of hair in our Max Factor collection ranging from Frank Sinatra's  to Andy Griffith's to Elizabeth Taylor's to Jimmy Stewart's, and even the Duke's (John Wayne)- yes, sometimes the Duke needed a piece for a movie."

Greg McCoy
Procter & Gamble Corporate Archives
(From the Society of American Archivists listserve)

If you get famous enough (and need hair extensions of some kind by Max Factor), you too can have locks of your hair preserved for current and future generations of scholars.

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