D. Ainge is a freakin' genius
So f'in' smart. Put the guy on ice for two years, in Atlanta, then trade Gary Payton for him. Walker is itchin' to play, I bet.
<a href="http://www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/articles/2005/02/24/celts_in_process_of_reacquring_walker/">the story</a>
Replacement needed for Alan Greenspan? Make it Danny Ainge!
According to a team source, the Celtics will send guard Gary Payton, center Michael Stewart and forward Tom Gugliotta to Atlanta.
The Hawks will also get a future first-round draft choice, spokesman Arthur Triche said. The trade was pending league approval.
Seems like a lot.
Celts get: Walker
Cets give: Welsch, Payton, Stweart, Gugliotta.
I would also like to know what Bob Ryan is smoking.
I'm setting the under/over on Ainge's firing at 12 weeks. takers?