If you're a librarian, then I would think the naked librarian page is safe for work.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-02-25 18:40:59 +0000
These naked ladies are weird.
They have hair.
You know, down there.
Posted by tgl on 2005-02-25 18:54:03 +0000
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-02-25 18:56:48 +0000
I know! I clicked on the girl-on-girl photo and felt so sad for the kneeling girl because I thought she had this gigantic mustache. But then I realised...
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-02-25 19:21:48 +0000
Where's the nasty bits photos of G and Honor?
Posted by frame609 on 2005-02-27 00:53:14 +0000
Wanna buy some?
Posted by G lib on 2005-02-28 18:42:29 +0000
I would post some, but they might be too hairy for Pamsterdam...
Like whoa...
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2005-02-28 19:07:19 +0000
Hey man, I'm still considering a run for public office...wouldn't wanna ruin my chances.
But I gotta naked picture of a cruciverbalist--oh wait, so does everyone else.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-02-28 19:37:50 +0000
The kicker for me is that Jessamyn West has probably seen me naked scores of times... when I was two.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-02-28 20:43:21 +0000
I'm willing to keep an open mind where you're concerned... :-)
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-03-01 06:13:48 +0000
What photo is that one? I think Miriam still has the nutmeg photo.
Posted by G lib on 2005-03-01 20:07:46 +0000
BQ, a 'nutmeg' equivalent of me doesn't exist, you perv. Unlike you, I usually wait until the cameras have been put away before taking off my clothes in public!*
*erm.... Skinny-dipping, snow angels, Tom's cabin, and new years' eve are exceptions in my book.
Like whoa...
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2005-03-02 01:44:19 +0000
Superheroes and supervillains...put the camera down for *one* minute, and it's all over.
They have hair.
You know, down there.
Like whoa...
But I gotta naked picture of a cruciverbalist--oh wait, so does everyone else.
*erm.... Skinny-dipping, snow angels, Tom's cabin, and new years' eve are exceptions in my book.
Like whoa...