As usual, Dawn and LadewTangClan are battling it out about Red vs. Blue, elitism, and newspaper opinion pieces. As an alternative to that, PChippy and I spent our pre-work coffee-sipping-time discussing an advertisement for a company we heard about on NPR--
Their motto:
" is an exclusive online introduction service. Our mission is to help Ivy Leaguers and similarly well-educated graduates and faculty find others with matching credentials. We introduce people who enjoy sharing thoughts, opinions and quality time."
Well, you can guess what I think about this... Once we took a step back, it was fodder for some interesting discussion, such as:
1. Dubs would be a candidate for His daddy greased some palms to get him into an Ivy, his daddy was Ivy, his granddaddy was Ivy, and so on and so forth. Because he's a dummy, does this mean that their premise has holes?
2. True wealth in the US certainly stays within families, if the children aren't too dumb/too altruistic to hang on to it.
3. Elitism is certainly not reserved for red staters, and the truly elite (including those people the people who qualify for this online dating service) are more likely blue staters-- the red staters are just the ones that are unabashadly hoping to be elite one day and have their children qualify for
4. What kind of person would sign up for this? I would love to meet one and find out what it's like.
5. Because I went to a state school and my sister went to a qualifying college, what does that make us?
6. Does the line of what schools qualify get fuzzy after a while?
I might even have other topics to think about after lunch.
"Williams Sucks" on the front, "Amherst Swallows."
How about a little humility, folks?
-p chippy [who is very smart, but who knows better than to assume he owes whatever success he attains in life to his own inherent abilities and not to his middle-class background, his WASPy name, and his happy childhood in a stable home with two college-educated parents...]