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i ride sideways
John Cleese on Star Wars
Zappa on Crossfire
Jessica Rath Allen, esq.
iPods for freedom
Ted McCarver at Yahoo Sports?
Mets - Nationals
My Mom's Forwards #2
Evidently, NFL shops disallowed ordering Randall's jersey
05/05/05 Observed
"Good Genes.com"
If not for K. Millar
The Official RS.N Paul Krugman Fan Club
a good time to hit the woods
Beyonce, meet Ian Mackaye in the Independent Room
Why Ortiz continues to be the man.
tappan library
Two thousand five!
Lungfish, tonight!
Duran Duran appreciation post:
Is pedestrian vigilantism cool?
Now I Know How Mike F feels when he gets a package that says 'Corwood' on it.
Which Desperate Houswife are You????
Rebel rebel.
Are You Sure We Captured the Unabomber (s)?
Beaufort Library
carteret county library
Star Wars Redux
Im bored
My letter to Bill Simmons....
Fuck Chunklet Part 6
Fuck Chunklet Part 7
Ninjas redux
North Carolina
cambridge, ma
Good SS Spoof
Since I was away...
"I love a team named after a fashion accessory"
Too much rock for one hand.
"Goth Upstairs Neighbors"
another bankrupt idea
it worked for martha
Completely sourceless and probably total bullshit but utterly compelling:
Horoscope 3-16-05
Necessary Evils
Whatt'll it be?
Fog of War II
Allston Rickets lineup 3/16/05
...any other evidence?
R.I.P. The Monster
Let the Birthday Begin
Let the Birthday Begin
I knew it!
Sold on eBay:
On getting a bite:
Slint Meetup Sun Mar 21st
Grime Primer for BQ
Sucks to be the Decemberists...
Summer of Love, Indeed
Those hot Harvard librarians
Rebuttal to Dawn saying that I'm perpetuating stereotypes...
'When I Took That Train'
Feast Whisperpants and Penis Tea Flush
Good sports
Rock Bitch
Geography Quiz
Yo Ten Diamonds-
Sox trade:
Yes, tgl!
John Coltrane must be smiling!
Holy (Shit) Saturday.
The Remy Report
Today's historic fact about 3 Wadsworth:
Total Kenobi Has a Posse
Steam Boy: Full of Hot Air
Post Inflation in the year 2021 (give or take a few)
plug out the pope
Find me on github.